Funds Raised

Raised 103%

Goal £36,000


R moshe yehuda spitzer (ID: 619)
7 Donors
£1,150 Raised of £1,500 goal
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Kollel Toiras Moishe is a Makom Torah in Stamford Hill, where the קול התורה reverberates throughout the day and into the late evening hours. Torah comes to life within the walls of the Beis Hamedrash, as the אברכי הכולל analyse, discuss, clarify and review the sugyos, enabling the תורה to refine, elevate, inspire and penetrate their lives.
The Kollel was established by the legendary Reb Moishe Pollack. Under his leadership the Kollel has evolved into a bastion of תורה and תפילה in Stamford Hill London. Your generous assistance in this annual fundraising campaign will enable the Kollel to continue its vital role providing a setting for quality Avreichim to grow, inspire and engage in Torah, simultaneously strengthening and impacting the local and wider community and all of כלל ישראל.
Throughout the past four decades, the Kollel has continued to disseminate Torah to the Stamford Hill community. Your support ensures our ability to continue the important Torah learning.