Funds Raised

Raised 132%

BONUS GOAL £130,000

Original Goal £100,000


הרב אליעזר פעסעל (ID: 3618)
28 Donors
£2,226 Raised of £2,500 goal
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Be Part of the Future
Your Donation Today Will Shape London’s Tomorrow
Kollel Tiferes Sholom has flag shipped Stamford Hill’s Kollelim for almost a decade. The
Kollel has 80 Yungerleit learning biyun halocho and gemoro in the morning and afternoon
chaburos. The Rosh Hakollel Reb Boruch Yehoshua Halberstam, Rosh Chaburos Reb Hershel
Schnek and Reb Paltiel Schwartz are all invested in bringing out the very best in every
These talmidei chachomim of the highest caliber go on to become marbitzei torah, dayonim,
and luminaries of our community, making sure the continuation of torah in London.
Ensure London’s Torah future by supporting them today.