Funds Raised

Raised 101%

Goal $115,000


Shlome Sternberg (ID: 4368)


5 Donors
$259 Raised of $1,800 goal
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In his short life, Yoel held nothing back. He was a giver without any judgment or questions. He went out of his way to help others and treat them with respect. He shared his resources, funds, knowledge,
and talents with those in-need, without holding back. Friends and family say “Yoel never said no” And “Yoel didn’t ask why - he just gave.”
Yoel was headstrong with an unstoppable work-ethic. The doctors said Yoel displayed a strong will to live. He battled Covid for weeks and yearned for a second chance to live. But his will-power was not enough. Unfortunately, Yoel was one of the early COVID cases with no treatment protocol yet in place. In the ICU of Cornell hospital at 9:18am on the first day of Pesach, at the young age of 40, this pure Tzaddik
- Who played drums and trumpet while doing Bikur Cholim.
- Who put his CC on file at the grocery store for an almanah’s weekly shabbos shopping
- Who knew the code book by heart and answered other engineer’s questions nonstop.
- Who instilled his children with an unshakable love for honoring Shabbos.
- Who wasn’t afraid of being the one person in a room with a different perspective.
Passed away on the same day as Yitzchak Aveinu and Iyov - Tes Vuv Nisan. Yoel really didn’t need to live long to leave an everlasting impression on thousands. When he passed away, an outpouring of support from 3,853 people united to raise critical funds to help his family during the darkest of times. Fast forward two years later, there is still a gaping hole in the hearts of Yoel’s father, wife, and children. Yoel’s two bochurim are without a father that will eventually walk them to the Chupah. Yoel’s 6 year old daughter has a few memories of her Tatty and most of them will likely fade with time.The family seeks comfort and menucha through the one thing that has remained constant for them throughout this Tzar: the light of torah. The family is asking the Klal to help celebrate Yoel’s life by continuing to spread his love of Yiddishkeit. With your support, his simcha, devotion, and integrity will carry on in the form of a Sefer Torah that his children can hold and dance with and as the new year approaches, your donation will seal a letter of merit and protection in the sefer hachaim - for you and for Yoel.
Thank you for your generous donation.
The Sandel Family