Funds Raised

Raised 111%

Goal £36,000


Shloimi Hoffman (ID: 4567)
31 Donors
Original Goal £1,500
£1,779 Raised of £2,000 bonus goal
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Listen to their cries of anguish…
A local London family from our Kehillah is struggling tremendously. The father a distinguished Yungerman in our community recently lost his job. With two of his children’s weddings coming up and staggering medical bills, they urgently need our help! The entire household is on verge of collapse ch’v, and the financial burden is becoming too difficult to bear. The situation has become critical.
You are not alone!
The London community cannot allow this broken family to fall apart any longer. We will not let their financial difficulties cause them any further distress. It is our responsibility to do everything we possibly can to help them from going under completely.
Several dedicated askonim have joined forces to assist the family and establish a קרן matching campaign in the hope that this will encourage our unique and generous community to help the Family in their time of desperate need.
The goal of our campaign is to set up a vital fund which will help the Family
get back onto their feet, and we will endeavour to reach our goal of £50,000
by donating a minimum amount of £120 (£10 a month)
By donating to this campaign, you will have the unique opportunity to gain zechusim and be מקיים the tremendous mitzvah of saving the family.
The London community will respond with generous donations for this extremely worthy cause, and together we will show the family that they are not alone. We are with them and we will help them out in the best possible manner.
In the zechus of donating to this most worthy cause with generous donations, Hashem will repay you with everything your heart desires, as it says in the pasuk ‘’ושמעתי כי חנון אני’’.