Funds Raised

Raised 84%

Goal £100,000


Ephi Raymond (ID: 9026)
5 Donors
£840 Raised of £2,000 goal
  • 2 months ago

    Campaign Now Extended

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Kollel Abir Yaakov The London Academy In memory of the Zaddik Rabi Yaa’acov Abuhazera זכרונו לה"ה Dedicated in honor of Yaacov Cohen ז"ל, father of Rabbi Avraham Cohen, And to Ya’acov Nissim ben Haham Nissim ז"ל, father of our Rosh Kollel Mordechai Nissim. The Kol HaTorah of Ya’acov Avinu - Behir haavot is still heard in Kollel Abir Yaacov, Ya’acov avinu lo met The London Academy Kollel Abir Yaacov Project based in Hendon. Our students satisfy a high calibre profile for our advanced Semicha programme. We have covered Kiddushin, Bishul/Afiat Akum and currently in-depth studies in Sofrus. A unique balance of Ashkenazi, Chassidic and Sephardic students,for all Jewish communities. Kollel ABIR Yaakov is an academic institute promoting standards of excellence in Sofrus in NW London, raising public awareness and providing educational resources for local Rabbonim. The Kollel recently published ‘Sefer Hazuros’ (vol. 1), on the intricate halachos of the Aleph Bet. There is a dire need to improve the quality of Teffillin & Mezuzot.
A call from local Rabbonim to urgently raise the standards of Sofrut. Rabbi Eliezer Schneebalg Rabbi SF Zimmerman Rabbi Dovid Cohn The Vaad Horabbonim L’Inyonei Stam have fully encouraged the Kollel to expand its activities and help to raise the standard of Sofrus in the Kehilloh. It will ensure provision of affordable Teffillin and Mezuzahs. New Seforim to aid Rabbonim restore high standards of Halacha in their Kehillohs. Objectives
  • Train Sofrus expert leaders
  • Create an academic institute to promote standards of excellence in Sofrus in NW London
  • Answer halachic questions
  • Raise public awareness via the workshop in action
  • Educational resources for local Rabbonim
  • Create a professional accreditation kitemark
  • Accredit local Sofrim
  • Schools project to educate early years and up, demo’s and bespoke courses for students
  • Shul Shiurim/Campaigns to check and provide affordable Teffillin/Mezuzahs
With a small handle we can open a huge door; Pitchu li petach kechudo shel machat, vaani eftah lach petach shel ulam Your modest donation today can be a great opening Our success is your future To expand activities, and restore Anglo-Jewry’s important place, in the historic atlas of the Torah world, in the mosaic of Jewish history.
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