Funds Raised

Raised 90%

Goal £125,000


B Horowitz
In Honor Of לזכות זיווג הגון חי' רייזל בת בתי' בלומא
5 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


one year ago


Chanie Goldstein
one year ago


Chanie Goldstein
one year ago


Tzippy Samet
one year ago


one year ago With Mrs. M Klagsbald


one year ago With Mrs. M Schwartz and Frimi


one year ago With Mrs. M Klagsbald


one year ago With Mrs. M Schwartz and Frimi


Hatzlacha for all that you keep doing!!!!
one year ago With Miss U Klagsbald


C Yankovitch
one year ago With Miss L Weingarten


S Fogel


Livnos Bayis
one year ago With Mr Yisroel & Mrs S Low


Livnos Bayis
one year ago With Mr Yisroel & Mrs S Low


Livnos Bayis
one year ago With Mr Yisroel & Mrs S Low


Livnos Bayis
one year ago With Mrs. M Klagsbald


Esther Gutman
one year ago With Mrs E Guttman


one year ago With Mrs R Stern


Stanley Coten
In Memory Of דוד בן אלחנן
one year ago With Mrs M Katanka


one year ago With Mrs S Friedman


Muriel Aussenberg


one year ago With Mrs T Waltzer


Josh Leigh
Hatzlocha Rabah
one year ago With Mrs B R Englander


one year ago With Mrs A Mayteles


C Yankowitz
one year ago With Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana


S Gratt
one year ago With Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana


one year ago With Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana


feivel stempel
אויב די עלטערע שוועסטער בעט.......
one year ago With Mrs G Levy & Mrs Y Deutsch


one year ago With Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana


one year ago With Mrs. B. Katz


Chane leah Berkowitz
one year ago With Mrs. S Bindinger


C Grosskopf
In Honor Of Michal
one year ago With Mrs E C Sabo & Mrs M Fessel


S M Reitzer
one year ago With Mrs. M Tescher


perela mayteles
one year ago With Mrs A Mayteles


B Matyas
In Memory Of לעילוי נשמת פרומט בת מאיר דוד
one year ago With Mrs. M Tescher


S Sellam
!הצלחה רבה
one year ago With Mrs. C M Josephbashvili


Nechy Buch
one year ago With Mrs A Mayteles


one year ago With Mrs R Eichenstein


one year ago With Mrs R Eichenstein


one year ago With Mrs S Friedman


Good luck
one year ago With Mrs. H Grohman


Feige Hager
In Memory Of From an admirer in awe of the great work you do. Chazak v'emats!
one year ago With Mrs. M Tescher


Devorah Kedourie
For The Recovery Of לרפואת יוסף מאיר בן אניא מלכה
one year ago With Mrs. M Tescher


Sury warfman
to my beloved niece, May you always to able to continue with tzedakah v' chesed .
one year ago With Mrs. B. Katz


one year ago With Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana


Linda and David Goldberg
one year ago With Mrs. L Marcus & Miss. C Krausz
No results have been found
  • MK

    Mrs. M Klagsbald (ID: 4630)

    לעילוי נשמת אינזער אומפארגעסליכע חשובע טאטע און מאמע זיידע באבע הרה"ח אשר זעליג בן ישראל יששכר ז"ל האשה החשובה בילא רבקה בת יושע ז"ל

    89 Donors
    £7,743 Raised of £10,000 goal 77.43%
  • MH

    Mrs E Hirsch & Mrs. C Walter (ID: 5015)
    15 Donors
    £3,925 Raised of £4,000 goal 98.13%
  • MF

    Mrs C F Sternlicht & Mrs P Taffel (ID: 5118)
    89 Donors
    £3,447 Raised of £3,000 goal 114.89%
  • ME

    Mrs R Eichenstein (ID: 5110)
    20 Donors
    £3,369 Raised of £2,500 goal 134.76%
  • MS

    Mrs L Sinitsky & Mrs M Schleider (ID: 5062)
    36 Donors
    £3,365 Raised of £4,000 goal 84.13%
  • ML

    Mrs B. Lipshitz (ID: 5006)
    43 Donors
    Original Goal £3,800
    £3,280 Raised of £4,300 bonus goal 86.32%
  • MW

    Mrs. G Weinberger (ID: 5022)

    לעלוי נשמת ר שבתי בן ר דוד

    93 Donors
    £3,254 Raised of £3,500 goal 92.98%
  • ML

    Mrs Rena Lew & Mrs Rochelle Lew (ID: 5104)
    32 Donors
    £2,911 Raised of £2,700 goal 107.81%
  • M&

    Mr Yisroel & Mrs S Low (ID: 5123)
    59 Donors
    £2,769 Raised of £2,700 goal 102.54%
  • MR

    Mrs. M Rothschild & Mrs G Gluck (ID: 5065)
    38 Donors
    Original Goal £2,000
    £2,009 Raised of £2,500 bonus goal 100.47%
  • MB

    Mrs B Bineth & Mrs Z Frankel (ID: 5091)
    57 Donors
    £1,968 Raised of £3,000 goal 65.60%
  • MB

    Mrs. S Bindinger (ID: 5014)
    78 Donors
    £1,820 Raised of £1,800 goal 101.09%
  • MT

    Mrs. M Tescher (ID: 5049)
    46 Donors
    Original Goal £1,270
    £1,725 Raised of £1,520 bonus goal 135.84%
  • MW

    Mrs B Weiss & Mrs R Kernkraut (ID: 5079)
    33 Donors
    £1,676 Raised of £2,000 goal 83.80%
  • ML

    Mr. Hershel Low (ID: 5144)
    23 Donors
    £1,511 Raised of £1,500 goal 100.71%
  • MS

    Mrs H Sander (ID: 5086)
    42 Donors
    £1,532 Raised of £1,750 goal 87.53%
  • MP

    Mrs R Pollak (ID: 5061)
    52 Donors
    £1,507 Raised of £1,500 goal 100.47%
  • MW

    Mrs T Waltzer (ID: 5055)
    19 Donors
    £1,413 Raised of £1,500 goal 94.20%
  • MT

    Mrs G Traube , Mrs R Galandauer & Mrs E R Benedikt (ID: 5108)
    24 Donors
    £1,400 Raised of £1,400 goal 100.00%
  • MM

    Mrs. S Mandel & Mrs C E Yakter (ID: 5013)
    30 Donors
    £1,384 Raised of £1,500 goal 92.26%
  • M

    Mrs. Y Benedikt (ID: 5019)
    21 Donors
    £1,355 Raised of £1,500 goal 90.33%
  • ML

    Mrs. M Low & Mrs Z Tager & Mrs C E Gluck (ID: 5033)
    43 Donors
    £1,359 Raised of £1,500 goal 90.57%
  • MM

    Mrs. L Marcus & Miss. C Krausz (ID: 5039)
    59 Donors
    £1,341 Raised of £1,500 goal 89.42%
  • MW

    Mrs B Weiss (ID: 5011)
    44 Donors
    £1,328 Raised of £1,500 goal 88.53%
  • MK

    Mrs M Kahan & Mrs. C R Basch (ID: 5028)
    34 Donors
    £1,334 Raised of £1,250 goal 106.68%
  • MK

    Miss U Klagsbald (ID: 5056)
    68 Donors
    £1,313 Raised of £1,200 goal 109.44%
  • MR

    Mrs. R Rapaport & Mrs M Bokor & Mrs. E. G. Green (ID: 5121)

    לעלוי נשמת יכט בת ר יוסף אברהם

    54 Donors
    £1,216 Raised of £1,500 goal 81.07%
  • MK

    Miss. E Klagsbald (ID: 5100)
    50 Donors
    Original Goal £1,200
    £1,205 Raised of £1,400 bonus goal 100.44%
  • MS

    Mrs B Sternlicht (ID: 5112)
    40 Donors
    £1,157 Raised of £1,000 goal 115.70%
  • ML

    Mrs. M Lobenstein & Mrs. M Meisels (ID: 5032)
    36 Donors
    £1,143 Raised of £1,250 goal 91.42%
  • MK

    Miss R Klagsbald (ID: 5099)
    63 Donors
    Original Goal £1,110
    £1,106 Raised of £1,360 bonus goal 99.66%
  • MF

    Mrs R Fessel (ID: 5060)
    27 Donors
    £1,102 Raised of £1,200 goal 91.85%
  • MF

    Mrs P Freund (ID: 5116)
    18 Donors
    £1,077 Raised of £1,200 goal 89.76%
  • ML

    Mrs G Levy & Mrs Y Deutsch (ID: 5058)
    34 Donors
    £1,067 Raised of £1,200 goal 88.94%
  • MM

    Mr & Mrs S Eis (ID: 5098)
    25 Donors
    £1,065 Raised of £1,200 goal 88.75%
  • MK

    Mrs M Katanka (ID: 5126)
    29 Donors
    £1,063 Raised of £1,000 goal 106.25%
  • MP

    Mrs E Posen (ID: 5027)
    36 Donors
    £1,088 Raised of £1,200 goal 90.67%
  • MG

    Mrs. C G Solinsky (ID: 5023)
    18 Donors
    £1,036 Raised of £1,000 goal 103.62%
  • MG

    Mrs R G Berger (ID: 5097)
    30 Donors
    £1,008 Raised of £1,010 goal 99.80%
  • MN

    Mrs. R Niederman (ID: 5020)
    26 Donors
    £1,005 Raised of £1,000 goal 100.46%
  • MR

    Mrs S R Stroh (ID: 5119)
    6 Donors
    £1,000 Raised of £1,000 goal 100.00%
  • MF

    Mrs S Friedrich (ID: 5090)
    25 Donors
    £1,000 Raised of £999 goal 100.05%
  • MS

    Mrs. S Sprei (ID: 5021)
    27 Donors
    £964 Raised of £1,000 goal 96.37%
  • MT

    Mrs. Hi Tesler & Mrs. M Stern (ID: 5029)
    46 Donors
    £944 Raised of £1,000 goal 94.42%
  • MS

    Mrs R Stern (ID: 5149)
    17 Donors
    £915 Raised of £1,000 goal 91.50%
  • ML

    Mrs. S Lipschitz (ID: 5030)
    24 Donors
    £845 Raised of £1,000 goal 84.47%
  • RY

    Rabbi S Y & Mrs. S Kahana (ID: 5115)
    32 Donors
    £814 Raised of £1,000 goal 81.39%
  • M&

    Mr. Shimon & Mrs. C L Low (ID: 5007)
    22 Donors
    £814 Raised of £2,000 goal 40.68%
  • MM

    Mrs C M Klein (ID: 5078)
    20 Donors
    £800 Raised of £1,000 goal 80.00%
  • MY

    Mrs E Y Finkelstein (ID: 5094)
    24 Donors
    £788 Raised of £1,000 goal 78.80%
  • MM

    Mrs A Mayteles (ID: 5076)
    13 Donors
    £775 Raised of £1,000 goal 77.47%
  • MK

    Mrs R Kernkraut (Schneck) (ID: 5052)
    33 Donors
    £772 Raised of £1,000 goal 77.20%
  • MG

    Mrs. S Grosz & Mrs Y Niederman (ID: 5024)
    24 Donors
    £772 Raised of £1,000 goal 77.20%
  • M&

    Mr. Binyomin & Mrs. C. G. Snitzer (ID: 5034)
    14 Donors
    £715 Raised of £1,000 goal 71.50%
  • MF

    Mrs. R Fein (ID: 5080)
    8 Donors
    £701 Raised of £750 goal 93.47%
  • MG

    Mrs L Gluck & Mrs S Sammet (ID: 5018)
    30 Donors
    £678 Raised of £1,000 goal 67.80%
  • MA

    Mr Yitzchok Ahron & Mrs. C Grunbaum (ID: 5043)
    17 Donors
    £649 Raised of £1,000 goal 64.85%
  • MK

    Mr Kalmish Klagsbald (ID: 5143)
    4 Donors
    £641 Raised of £1,000 goal 64.10%
  • MK

    Mrs. Y Krausz (ID: 5041)
    26 Donors
    £646 Raised of £1,000 goal 64.60%
  • MK

    Mrs. B. Katz (ID: 5102)
    23 Donors
    £631 Raised of £1,000 goal 63.06%
  • MR

    Mrs B R Englander (ID: 5074)
    8 Donors
    £654 Raised of £1,000 goal 65.40%
  • M

    Mrs. B E Neuhaus (ID: 5050)
    15 Donors
    £629 Raised of £750 goal 83.87%
  • MW

    Miss L Weingarten (ID: 5101)
    45 Donors
    Original Goal £610
    £634 Raised of £860 bonus goal 103.85%
  • MJ

    Mrs S Just (ID: 5075)
    12 Donors
    £629 Raised of £1,000 goal 62.90%
  • MS

    Mrs. M Schlesinger (ID: 5012)
    30 Donors
    £627 Raised of £1,000 goal 62.65%
  • MG

    Mrs F Grunfeld (ID: 5071)
    16 Donors
    £619 Raised of £750 goal 82.53%
  • MW

    Mrs. H Weiser (ID: 5045)
    33 Donors
    £614 Raised of £1,000 goal 61.40%
  • MS

    Mrs. S Scher & Mrs C Jacobowitz (ID: 5082)
    23 Donors
    £583 Raised of £700 goal 83.25%
  • MK

    Mrs. T Katz (ID: 5122)
    13 Donors
    £575 Raised of £1,000 goal 57.53%
  • MZ

    Mr U Z & R Low (Grunfeld) (ID: 5128)
    15 Donors
    £575 Raised of £1,000 goal 57.50%
  • MW

    Mrs. N Wosner (ID: 5141)
    3 Donors
    £530 Raised of £1,000 goal 53.00%
  • MB

    Mrs. B B Sander & Mrs G Krausz (ID: 5026)
    12 Donors
    £525 Raised of £1,000 goal 52.47%
  • MS

    Mrs. M Schwartz (Low) (ID: 5038)
    16 Donors
    £511 Raised of £1,000 goal 51.05%
  • MS

    Mrs. S Spitzer (ID: 5068)
    1 Donors
    £500 Raised of £1,000 goal 50.00%
  • ML

    Mrs Clury Low (ID: 5134)
    13 Donors
    £502 Raised of £503 goal 99.70%
  • ML

    Mrs M Lipschutz (ID: 5106)
    11 Donors
    £468 Raised of £1,000 goal 46.83%
  • MH

    Mrs. S Hiess (ID: 5042)
    18 Donors
    £446 Raised of £1,000 goal 44.60%
  • MS

    Mrs. S Stern (ID: 5044)
    17 Donors
    £438 Raised of £1,000 goal 43.84%
  • MB

    Mrs C Babad & Family (ID: 5125)
    1 Donors
    £410 Raised of £1,000 goal 41.00%
  • MS

    Miss C Schlesinger (ID: 5046)
    16 Donors
    £410 Raised of £1,000 goal 40.95%
  • MS

    Mrs R Spitzer (ID: 5147)
    4 Donors
    £395 Raised of £1,000 goal 39.53%
  • MF

    Mrs S Friedman (ID: 5127)
    16 Donors
    £386 Raised of £1,000 goal 38.55%
  • Ml

    Mrs M lev (ID: 5152)
    2 Donors
    £379 Raised of £1,000 goal 37.91%
  • MG

    Mrs C G Breuer (ID: 5095)
    6 Donors
    £373 Raised of £1,000 goal 37.30%
  • MS

    Mrs. M Schwartz and Frimi (ID: 5016)
    8 Donors
    £362 Raised of £1,000 goal 36.15%
  • ML

    Mr. Duvid Low (ID: 5135)
    4 Donors
    £361 Raised of £1,000 goal 36.10%
  • MF

    Mrs. L Frankle (ID: 5064)
    1 Donors
    £360 Raised of £1,000 goal 36.00%
  • M&

    Mr. Yossi & Mrs. Y Grunfeld (ID: 5035)
    19 Donors
    £359 Raised of £1,000 goal 35.90%
  • MZ

    Mr. Moshe Zev Low (ID: 5146)
    4 Donors
    £349 Raised of £1,000 goal 34.90%
  • MT

    Mrs H Tesler & Mrs D Moscowitz (ID: 5111)
    14 Donors
    £331 Raised of £1,000 goal 33.10%
  • MK

    Mrs. C Krausz (ID: 5133)
    15 Donors
    £327 Raised of £1,000 goal 32.65%
  • MC

    Mrs E C Sabo & Mrs M Fessel (ID: 5059)
    21 Donors
    £322 Raised of £1,000 goal 32.17%
  • MM

    Mrs. C M Josephbashvili (ID: 5103)
    13 Donors
    £300 Raised of £350 goal 85.71%
  • MG

    Mrs. H Grohman (ID: 5010)
    11 Donors
    £278 Raised of £500 goal 55.50%
  • MT

    Mrs. S Taffel & Mrs C Perlman (ID: 5036)
    13 Donors
    £253 Raised of £1,000 goal 25.30%
  • MR

    Miss C Rottenberg (ID: 5053)
    6 Donors
    £241 Raised of £1,000 goal 24.10%
  • MS

    Mrs D Schlesinger & Mrs S Rosenberg (ID: 5008)
    8 Donors
    £221 Raised of £1,000 goal 22.10%
  • ML

    Mrs. R L Wiesel (ID: 5048)
    12 Donors
    £216 Raised of £1,000 goal 21.64%
  • MW

    Mrs P Weiss & Mrs P Pollack (ID: 5085)
    5 Donors
    £158 Raised of £1,000 goal 15.80%
  • Mw

    Mrs. Sh wiesenfeld (ID: 5157)
    1 Donors
    £142 Raised of £1,000 goal 14.16%
No results have been found
No results have been found
No results have been found
It was 2018 when we had a realization that left us shaken. So many kallahs in our community were slipping through the cracks. So many families simply don’t have the funds it takes to marry off a child — even for the basic household items that every new home needs. We were determined to fill this void, and to do it in a manner that would bring dignity and empowerment to the kallahs and families.
We started Livnos Bayis and soon realized just how great the need is. We grew from two kallah packages to an average of 13(!) every month. We spend hours researching products and costs, determined to source exquisite yet practical items at excellent prices. And as a completely volunteer organization, every single penny we are gifted goes straight to kallahs in need.
We find it incredibly meaningful to support kallahs and help them establish their new homes with shefa and simcha. And we feel privileged to share this zchus with our community.
We furnish our kallahs with everything they need for a functional and lovely home. And with an array of choices in each category, they can enjoy the kallah experience just like every other bride.